Hope every one had a great New Year and are sticking to their resolutions. That's a tough one - I know. Resolutions always seem like a great new start to the year- where you are going to actually follow through and continue them - and this is the year to do it. Then before you know it - three of the first 4 weeks are done - and you've slipped. I know I did. We all start out with the best intentions - right? Then you smack right into a bad day and that great new beginning or resolution flies right out the window. Guilty? Me too.
My well conceived plan was to start out the new year with a Bang! A great newsletter - introduce Monthly specials, reviews, contests, winners of contests that we are running, a Soap of the Month and give a short little lesson on an oil or botanical's skin renewing properties. It's now close to to the end of January- and you are just now getting all that for the first newsletter. Sorry about that!
But...those are the things that you can look forward to every month...starting NOW!
So, hold onto your hats - here we go!!!

Wicked Kisses aka Dark Chocolate Peppermint.
Between now and Feb 1 - With the purchase of $25 or more (not including shipping), you will receive a full size bar of Wicked Kisses - free!
Facebook Friend Referral Contest:
Get us to 500! Starting today - and running through February 5th at 9 pm EST!
We'll have a drawing for a Valentine's Gift Basket valued at $50. The drawing will only take place - IF we've reached 500 by the time of the drawing! We are at 348 friends right now - so I know we can make it to 500 easy! If we were to get to 600 instead - we'll up the anty and add another Valentine Gift Basket, and give out two.
How do you get your name in the pot?
- 1 ticket=Friend us at: http://www.facebook.com/MagickMoonSoapWurks
- 1 ticket=Each new FB referral and they friend us.
- 1 ticket=Make a purchase at our website of $20 or more.
- remember - each new referral can start a referral chain of their own.
- also remember to tell your referral to mention your name when they are friending us - that will ensure that you get the credit.
Perfect Patchouli
Every winter my skin is usually very dry and itchy. I started using the Perfect Patchouli goat's milk soap in December, and my skin has remained smooth and not itchy at all. This is great soap - Thanks!
01/10/2011 by James Jordan - Salem, MA
Thank you Jim! Because Jim participated in our Review Program - he received a FREE Full Size bar of his choice. You can participate too! Just click on a soap to review, after you've tried our soaps - and you'll get your complimentary bar too!
Thank you Jim! Because Jim participated in our Review Program - he received a FREE Full Size bar of his choice. You can participate too! Just click on a soap to review, after you've tried our soaps - and you'll get your complimentary bar too!
New Shops & Where to find us!
Well...we are popping everywhere. This time last year - you could only find us online and in 2 shops in Salem - but we've expanded! We are proud to announce that we are several shop in the surrounding areas now, as well as Whole Food Markets in Massachusetts and continuing to expand!
Go check out our Store Locator that we just added today! We are very proud to add this to our website and hope that we can be in your area soon as well!
OK- so how do I get Magic Moon Soap in my town? Request a Merchant Marketing kit today. If a shop or boutique in your area starts carrying our product line from the direct result of your referral - you win a Big, beautiful Thank you Gift Basket from us! It's Value = $100. Our special thanks to you for getting us into another Retail location. Each location that we are now in is a direct result of someone trying our products and telling someone else about them. TAG! You're it!
WHEW!!! ok- well that about does it! I was going to add a lesson on the great nutritional value of Goat's Milk for our skin - but I think I'll save that for February! Watch for the February newsletter - coming in about two weeks! It will be stuffed full of last minute Valentine Gift ideas and great gift ideas for uncoming weddings, graduations, birthdays and Mother's Day!
Until then...Enjoy this little slideshow of the Carrier Oils that we include in our great soaps!

See ya soon!
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