"Well, It's Christmas time, pretty baby...". I just love that song! It helps to hear it - when you are rushing around like a maniac, too many things to do - to even make a list - because it wouldn't fit into your Mary Poppin's carpet bag of a purse that's crammed full as it is. Too much to do, and not enough time and/or money to get it all done - am I right?
Well- as I sit here, writing to all of you, drinking nice hot coffee from my hubby's old mug - I'm listening to Nat King Cole's "The Christmas Song". It's our first Christmas without my late hubby - who we lost in January to a very quick and unexpected Heart Attack at 45. Needless to say, it's been a rough year and a rough holiday season. But- despite it all, life does go on.
There are so many out there, hurting from loss. Loss of so many kinds... the loss of our beloved soldiers in the war, loss of jobs just before the holidays or the loss of a job earlier in the year - that they still haven't recovered from, loss of family members and loved ones, terminally ill children in the hospital, ill loved ones - you name it.
Not to be depressive...but encouraging instead. As you go through your busy, crazy busy lives - please remember to take a moment and build memories.
- Memories of baking cookies with your children - regardless of their age. it doesn't matter how old they are - they still love Rice Crispy Treats! Whether with Milk or spiked Wassail. My sons are 22 and 18 and I can still turn their head with a holiday treat!
- Go see a friend and take them some of those cookies - it doesn't have to be fancy wrapped or be extravagant. It's the thought that counts.
- Put up that darn tree. Even if you aren't in the mood, no one is gonna see it, nothing really to put under it this year...etc. DO IT!! You will see it! It will bring back nice memories and happy ones that you deserve to remember.
- Take a breath and remember the reason for the season. Regardless of your belief system...Christian, Jewish, Pagan, etc - Remember Your reason for the season and celebrate it. The celebration of HOPE! Hope of New Beginnings, Positivity and so forth. HOPE!
- It's NOT about all the presents you get - but the LOVE you are giving others. Whether it's in small bar of soap that I give to everyone in the course of my day as samples, a cookie, a cup of coffee to a cold stranger, a smile on the subway to someone who really looks as though they could really use it.
Happy Holidays and here's HOPING for a joyous and positive future! Enjoy what you have and don't take the little things for granted. Be Grateful and Joyous!
Happy Holidays
Dana Callahan & Sons
Magic Moon SoapWorks
Salem, MA 01970
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